Rocky Mountain Roosters, Inc.
Colorado’s Finest Private Pheasant
Hunting Preserve

Our 39th Season!!
September 21st through March 31
Taking Reservations Now!
Open 7 days a week for hunting and target shooting by reservation.
Call now for reservations! (719-635-3257)
A gift certificate from Rocky Mountain Roosters is the perfect gift idea for the sportsman or woman in your life. Pheasant hunting in Colorado doesn’t get any better than this!!
A gift certificate from Rocky Mountain Roosters is the perfect gift idea for the sportsman or woman in your life. Pheasant hunting in Colorado doesn’t get any better than this!!
Call us for details on the options for your customized gift certificate.
Hunt for a day
Colorado Pheasant Hunting at its best can be yours with an Introductory Hunt at Rocky Mountain Roosters. This pheasant hunt is our hunt for a day, and it doesn’t require a membership. These hunts are available 7 days a week during our season and you have a choice of 3-hour hunts. You can hunt the morning from 8 am to 11 am, or the afternoon from 1 pm to 4 pm.
The most popular way to pheasant hunt in Colorado is by joining Rocky Mountain Roosters. As a member you are allowed to use the facility year round and bring guests, friends, family and clients and they pay the same rate as the member for the day hunts.
Other Hunting Adventures
We offer sportsmen the opportunity to experience quality hunting and fishing adventures in the United States, Canada, Argentina, and Africa.
Pistol Training
Rocky Mountain Roosters offers complete pistol training classes as well as a private outdoor pistol range.
RMR owner, Brett Axton and his brother Scott Axton, are both NRA certified Pistol Instructors as well as United States Concealed Carry Association affiliate instructors.